Francis ching interior design illustrated
Francis ching interior design illustrated

francis ching interior design illustrated francis ching interior design illustrated

Professor Ching’s publications, which focus on clarifying and communicating architectural elements, principles, and relationships, include: Building Structures Illusrated, with UW colleagues Barry Onouye and Doug Zuberbuhler A Global History of Architecture (w/ Mark Jarzombek and Vikram Prakash), Building Codes Illustrated (w/ Steven Winkel), Design Drawing (w/ Steve Juroszek), A Visual Dictionary of Architecture, Sketches from Japan, Drawing: A Creative Process, Interior Design Illustrated (w/ Corky Binggeli), Architecture: Form, Space & Order Building Construction Illustrated, and Architectural Graphics. and Canada, as well as internationally in China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Turkey, Colombia, Portugal, Mexico, and the Netherlands.

francis ching interior design illustrated

Although retiring from active teaching this past year, Professor Ching will continue to write, draw, and offer the workshops he has periodically offered in the U.S. He has been a Visiting Faculty at both the Tokyo Institute of Technology and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since then he has taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the University of Washington, where he has spent the last 20 years teaching a beginning design studio and a sequence of design drawing courses.


After several years of professional practice, earning licensure and serving as a VISTA architect in the Cleveland Design Center, he began his teaching career at Ohio University in 1972. Professor Ching received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Notre Dame in 1966.

Francis ching interior design illustrated